Hello. I’m Dr Alison Smith, an experienced Time to Think coach and facilitator based on the edge of the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.

I’m so happy to be working with brilliant people, just like you, enabling them to do their best thinking, as together we experience and appreciate the powerful wellbeing benefits that the natural world around us provides.

Woman holding a bouquet of flowers

I have enjoyed a rich and varied career as an NHS doctor, prior to training as a life coach. I have specialist skills and training and am committed to continuing education and regular supervision to help ensure that I practice to a high standard, in a safe and ethical way.

Being in nature has, for as long as I can remember, been my way of processing thoughts and emotion, of finding my quiet, solace and connection. As a young child I recall feeling so at ease in my Grandads garden, watching the blackbirds nesting, delighting at the glimpse of a speckled egg in a perfect nest. The joy of eating raspberries straight from the bush, warmed by the sun, the scent of their delicious perfume.

In recent years, I have rediscovered a love for growing and been exploring my creativity, using beautiful British flowers and foliage in my floral designs.

I am fascinated by the way nature helps us to create powerful metaphor and how being in touch with our natural surroundings provides ease and connection. I have learnt to appreciate the beautiful in the everyday and I would love you to join me on this journey with nature by our side.

I believe in you. Words that water flowers
— Michael Faudet

It is this unique combination of skills and experience, along with my intuitive connection with others and the natural world that has culminated in the creation of Earth and Bloom.

Integral to all I do is a desire to work with integrity and compassion. I am skilled in creating an environment that says ‘you matter’, easeful and welcoming, in a gentle way that respects nature’s quiet strength and beauty.

Bloom beautifully,
bloom softly,
however you need,
just bloom.
— Rupi Kaur
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My Approach

I know that we are uniquely beautiful, as are our thoughts.

That you will think differently to me, may have different values, culture, ideas, opinions and beliefs all sparks my curiosity and interest.

Above all, I want you to know that you and your thinking matter. I will work with you to cultivate the courage for truly independent thinking.

I will listen without judgement, understanding that we are all unique human beings.

Let us live like flowers
wild and beautiful
and drenched in sun
— Ellen Everett

I have a deep understanding and respect of the fundamental importance of confidentiality, through my varied career as a doctor, coach and facilitator for over twenty years.

Untrue limiting assumptions that affect our ability to think for ourselves clearly and creatively can be explored and replaced with something true and liberating.

Enabling you to shift your gaze upwards towards the light and bloom. Beautifully.