Flowers in vases muted earthy tones, floral workshop

Beauty in the everyday:

A nature inspired floral workshop

Date: 2024 dates Coming soon

A moment to pause, connect with nature and appreciate. Take time for a dose of nature as we spend a half day exploring our creativity with beautiful locally grown flowers and foliage.

The quiet beauty of winter

A Botanical workshop

DATE: 27th January 2024

There's something about winter's stripped back simplicity that can allow us to see things more clearly. There's no pretence - winter reveals fully what's there and things that were hidden become visible. 

A morning of creativity and calm contemplation, taking time to appreciate the quiet, unassuming beauty of winter botanicals.

Purple salvias

Gather in the garden

DATES: By Appointment

Join me in my Yorkshire garden as we take time to ground ourselves, observe and gather. Allow yourself to reconnect with and appreciate the beauty of nature and the world around you.

Nature invites us to be present in the moment. Learn to notice and trust your intuition with her by your side. The garden and all we find within it are a gateway for meditative moments, heart warming joy, and exploration of creativity.

A bespoke offering, for individuals, or a small group, please do get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Misty tree in field


Dates: By Appointment

Explore your relationship with place. Feel grounded where your feet are landed on the earth and take time to think about who you really are and truly want to be.

Understand more about what makes you, you. Uncover your story, the one about the unique special person you are.

We will walk in nature, taking time to connect with and appreciate the strength and wisdom of ancient trees, the embodiment of beauty and power.

Feel grounded, nurtured and at ease.

A one to one experience with me in beautiful Yorkshire, close to the Dales

‘Autumn: A season for the soul’

A day retreat for Women working in Medicine

Date: Thursday 3rd October 2024

Join me at the beautiful Purusha Retreat in Lincolnshire for a day of creative reflection, connection and ease. A time to notice the shifting beauty of the seasons and to acknowledge and appreciate our own transformation throughout the year.


Group of women at a flower workshop

Take time to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of flowers and natural elements around us

Enjoy a moment to pause, escape the noise, to slow down and observe. Reconnect with yourself and others in the group as we ground ourselves and share an easeful space.

Experience how nature can be a powerful tool for wellbeing of body, mind and soul as we gather in an intimate, nurturing environment.

Be guided by the natural products that we will work with to express a feeling, tell a story, take time to think or calmly contemplate.

Feel safe in the knowledge that I will hold a supportive space for you as we gather together and “see the beautiful”.

“I found I could say things with colours and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way- things I had no words for”

- Georgia O’Keeffe

Open book of floral illustrations
Florist working with flowers on Sweet Chestnut tree

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